stuck in prayer life

When You’re Stuck In A Prayer Funk

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Recently, I had coffee with a sweet friend and confessed I had lost the will to pray for a specific situation in my life. I was in a prayer funk, plain and simple. It felt like my prayers go unanswered because God can’t hear me, maybe I’m praying wrong. I admitted to her that sometimes I wonder if God even cares.

Do you struggle with prayer?

I told her I’ve been so defeated by this crazy situation that I stopped praying and went into an emotional shut down mode that lasted weeks. I felt angry and depressed. I was mad at the world and upset with God. I wondered why, after years of prayer about this specific situation, He still hasn’t thrown me a bone.

Stuck in a prayer funk?

Have you ever wondered if God hears your prayers? Do you often think that He just doesn’t care?  Have you felt like you’re praying wrong? Or that nothing will ever change in your situation?

Those thoughts are all lies, friend. Horrible, stinky, nasty, downright ugly lies from a sneaky, deceitful enemy who prowls around like a lion, waiting to devour anyone who wallows in a season of defeat.

“Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.”

1 Peter 5:8

Our enemy has been defeated through Jesus’ work on the Cross. Through Christ we can boldly speak truth into the lies the enemy uses to keep us stuck in our prayer funk.

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I love how Jesus reminds us that when we’re feeling banged up by the world and weary, even in our prayer life, we can find rest in Him.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Matthew 11:28-30

I was so encouraged when my friend admitted she’s been in a prayer funk many times throughout her life and has lived to tell about them.

It was nice to know I wasn’t alone in my struggles.

My sweet friend encouraged me to keep praying and lean on Jesus. She reminded me that He’s got this, but things will always happen on His timeline, not mine.

Out of our misery often comes our ministry.

They say that out of our misery often comes our ministry. Well, that day in the coffee shop was a wonderful example of how my friend was able to use her own seasons of misery and doubt to speak truth into my soul.

My friend didn’t offer me a 10-point practice on how to pray better, or share 7-ways to unleash my inner prayer warrior.

I always giggle when I see blog posts offering up solutions like that.

Instead, she simply reminded me that I wasn’t alone. She spoke truth into my doubting heart and told me I will get through this, just like the many others who have gone before me. She knocked the prayer funk right out of me by reminding me of one important thing.

You ready for it?

The solution to your prayer funk is simple!

  • If you are in a season of doubting and stuck in a funk with your prayer life, keep praying!
  • If you feel like the world is beating you down and your confidence level is operating at zero, keep praying!
  • If you feel like God doesn’t hear you or care about you, keep praying!
  • If you feel like you are praying the wrong way, keep praying!

KEEP PRAYING! God cares about you. Jesus hears you.

In fact, someday God will use your prayer funk to speak life into someone else’s soul.

 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

Romans 8:28

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