struggle with insecurity

When You Struggle with Insecurity

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We all struggle with feelings of insecurity and unworthiness. The enemy of our souls likes to convince us that we’re the only one that struggles with insecurity. We can feel isolated and defeated in our struggles. That’s why we need to hold tight to Jesus.

Do you ever struggle with insecurity? If you feel overlooked, ignored, discarded, or invisible, you are not alone.

When You Struggle with Insecurity Share on X

I was invisible growing up. And in those rare moments that I was seen, I was criticized for not being good enough, which made me yearn to feel invisible again. It was a toxic, vicious cycle.

The A’s on my report card weren’t A pluses. The award I won at a local spelling B wasn’t a big state or national spelling competition. I wasn’t the captain of my cheer squad; I was merely a team member. Going to state for high school tennis team wasn’t heading to nationals. I wrote speeches for the Governor, not the President. I worked on a Presidential campaign and traveled to some fun places. I won international awards for my efforts too. None of these reached the front page of a major newspaper what did it matter anyway? All valid arguments, according to my mom. It left me feeling like I never measured up.

I struggled with insecurity growing up. I always felt like I was never good enough.

Boy did I kill myself trying to win the awards and praises of my parents. I became a perfectionist. My standards were outrageous. No matter what I achieved, I couldn’t measure up in their eyes. It was overwhelming.

I yearned to be validated, loved, and seen by the people who gave me life. I was never able to measure up to their toxic standards. I created my own set of crazy unrealistic standards and could never measure up to those either. Talk about crazy-making behavior!

Have you ever struggled with insecurity? It’s a vicious cycle. Insecurity causes so much fear, anxiety and shame.

Your voice matters. YOU matter.

Did you catch that? YOU MATTER. I wish I had grown up around people who could love me as I needed, as any human needs. My parents did their best. They were stuck in their own shame spiral from their broken childhoods. They did the best they could. It’s taken a lot of therapy over the years to realize that and forgive them for not loving me the way I needed as a kid.

Your voice matters. YOU matter! Share on X

Hurting people hurt people. This isn’t a new, novel concept. Yet it’s true. Brokenness is a cycle the enemy uses to keep us down. I want to remind you today that YOU matter. You don’t have to carry around the hurt and shame anymore.

For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light

Ephesians 5:8 NIV

If you struggle with insecurity, you are not alone.

I wish I could shout from the rooftops just how much Jesus loves you! It would be neat to sit across from each other with a warm cup of coffee and celebrate just how special you are!

When you struggle with insecurity as a Christian woman turn to your identity in Christ.

You are special. YOU matter.

  • You don’t need to have the perfect waistline or achieve some number on a scale to matter.
  • You don’t need to drive a fancy car or have a perfectly decorated Pinterest-worthy home to matter.
  • You don’t need to bake fabulous cakes or throw amazing birthday parties for your kids to matter.
  • You don’t need to have perfect parenting skills or well-behaved kids to matter.
  • You don’t need perfect teeth, perfect hair, the perfect wardrobe, or a large bank account to matter.
  • You don’t have to start a blog, write a book, or become a public speaker to matter.

You don’t need to feel validated or loved by your spouse, kids, family, friends, or coworkers to matter to God. It’s easy to forget this as we struggle to be accepted and validated by the people in our lives.

You matter to the God of the universe and His Son, Jesus Christ.

So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus.

Romans 8:1 NLT

God is writing your beautiful story as we speak. He created you for a special purpose. He gave you a voice that only you can use to impact others in your life today. We need to release our insecurity and live free!

It’s easy to forget your value in Christ when you struggle with insecurity.

You are worthy. What God says about you is all that matters.

You are a work in progress and don’t have to be perfect. Just keep leaning on Jesus, the One who is always perfect!

God has made you uniquely you. Totally wonderful and amazing just as you are. Jesus loves you. He doesn’t want you to stay caught up in your struggles today. He wants you to live free!

God wants you to live free in Jesus today.

Next time the dark thoughts threaten to pull you down, remember to give them all over to the Lord. He wants you to live free and be all that He created you to be.

But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people. You are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light.

1 Peter 2:9 NLT

The next time you struggle with insecurity find a mirror.

Seek out the nearest mirror and speak truth into your heart on the days you need it most.

You are beautiful. You are enough. You are strong. You are amazing. You are redeemed. You are royalty. Jesus loves you!

Go ahead and cut that woman in the mirror a little slack. You’ve been way too hard on her lately. Remind her that it’s time to rest in Jesus.

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