Live A Life Showered In Grace

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I want to live a life showered in grace, don’t you?

There seems to be a lot of things that threaten to get in the way. Like the need to look as if we have it all together. Or the fear of judgment that we will never measure up to other’s standards.

And speaking of standards, do you ever feel like you fail to meet the high standards that you place on yourself? Me too!

We’re all a little broken and it’s really OK!

I can admit that I will never be a stick. Even when I’m dead and my body has wasted away, my bones will not fit into a size 0. But there have been years where I’ve exhausted myself at the gym trying to reach such an impossible standard.

My hair has a mind of its own. It’s a pile of crazy waves that frizz when it’s humid and fall limp and dull when it’s cold. All the hair goo in the world won’t get it under control, so I’ve learned to go with the flow as the seasons change. Plus messy top buns are my new best friend.

I love lipstick, but am way too OCD to have one nail on my hand a different color than the rest of the bunch.

I’m not trendy. By the time I was ready to embrace that nail trend, it was pretty much over.

There is no shame in imperfection!

My marriage was far from perfect. It was more like a seesaw of extreme (scary) highs and (scary) lows over the years, until it finally came crashing down and fell apart. I’m thankful for friends who prayed and lifted me up in the hardest seasons and celebrated life with me, even in the midst of my pain. And I’m proud of myself for being honest with them about what was going on, after hiding the abuse and pain for so many years. It takes courage to speak hard truth.

By the way, I should also mention I have a totally irrational need to watch the garage door go all the way down before leaving the driveway. If I’m running late, I sometimes have to drive around the block to make sure the garage door went down, because otherwise I silently obsess all day long that someone is breaking into our house and will hide in the basement to attack us with a hacksaw in our sleep.

I’m just keeping it real. Don’t judge me!

There is freedom in bringing your imperfections into the Light.

There is no such thing as perfect. Doesn’t it feel better to admit that and move on with your messy, beautiful life?

The world’s standards are constantly changing and the more we try to keep up, the more exhausted and out of control we can feel.

Live a life showered in grace.

Take time to thank God for your struggles and all your quirks today. Soak in His grace. You don’t have to be perfect, you just need to lean on the One who is. It’s the hard things that force us to rely more heavily on Jesus. Your imperfections help mold you into the woman that you are today. Be thankful for that, not embarrassed.

We all have issues, that’s why we need Jesus!

We’re imperfect. We come with baggage. We desperately need a Savior.

Too often we put on our smiley faces, tell the world we are “fine” and we go about our daily lives barely scratching the surface with our husbands, kids, family and friends.

Stop the madness. Be real with others. Share your deepest fears, crazy imperfections, silliest failures and deepest joys with someone!

Tear down the walls of shame, perfection and insecurity; and find the freedom that comes from being showered in God’s grace.

Let’s tear down the walls of shame, perfection and insecurity; and find the freedom that comes from being showered in God’s grace. Share on X

God’s grace is sufficient. You are made strong thru Him in your weakness.

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.’

2 Corinthians 12:9

Put your value in the One who set you free!

So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.

John 8:36

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