spend more time with Jesus each day

17 Simple Ways To Spend More Time With Jesus

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Ever get the words to a song or a TV commercial stuck in your head? Once it’s in your noggin, it’s really hard to get it out, isn’t it?

The stuff that gets stuck in our heads

That song can play over and over again throughout the day and well into the night, sometimes for days and weeks to come. Before you know it, that catchy tune or jingle becomes an annoyance and starts driving you bonkers!

The other day, I couldn’t get the jingle from a carpet commercial out of my head. The last time I heard that jingle was three decades ago!

My sister and I would get up early before school to watch this weird clown show. I don’t remember much about it except that kids threw balls into buckets on a timer and won prizes. The clown was a little off his rocker, which may be the reason my sister developed a fear of clowns as she got older. The commercial for the carpet people aired during every break and that jingle is still with me decades later.

(In case you’re wondering, I called the number the other day to see if it’s still active. It is. Decades later that number still works and they still are a carpet store.)

17 simple ways to spend more time with Jesus Share on X

Put God on repeat throughout your day.

As I sat the other morning with my Bible open and a warm cup of coffee in hand, ready to spend time in God’s Word, that silly jingle popped into my head. No idea why. But it made me pause and reflect.

I mean, if a stupid commercial from childhood can remain in my mind all these decades later, can you imagine how powerful God’s Word would be if we committed to keeping His promises in front of us each day?

I was convicted. I need to reevaluate how I spend my free time.

Sometimes we need to reevaluate our priorities.

No matter what’s going on in our lives, we can ALWAYS place our hope firmly in the God who created us.

So often the trials of daily life threaten to steal our joy and we turn to things like Facebook and other distractions to fill us up.

Hello shiny, sparkly objects of distraction!

We must place our hope in the great Immanuel. The God who is always with us.

““Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel” (which means, God with us).” Matthew 1:23

God rescued us by giving His son Jesus to take the penalty of our sins so we could be restored and enter into a redeemed relationship with our Creator.

Seriously, how cool is that?

Turn to the God of comfort when life gets sticky.

We don’t need to rely on Netflix, the gym, chocolate, Facebook, and the millions of other shiny things that distract us from finding real comfort and peace. Jesus first, all the other stuff second.

Jesus first, all the other stuff second. Share on X

Let’s grow in our relationship with Jesus!

Life is busy, it gets in the way of so many of our relationships.

My relationship with Jesus isn’t the only one I need to focus more on, to be honest. And while we can’t always clear our schedules and spend focused time in prayer and reading our Bibles, we can be more intentional in growing our relationship with God daily by being in an ongoing relationship with Him.

I don’t believe there isn’t a cookie-cutter way to do this either. What works for one person doesn’t necessarily work for others.

God wired us all differently, that is the cool part about being one of His children.

What does your daily relationship with God look like?

I’m not wired to be hardcore in the Word every morning and pray like a mad warrior daily. That isn’t who God created me to be. A good friend of mine is. She can’t function if she doesn’t spend the first half hour of her day studying her Bible and then another half hour or more during her day praying. She can list Bible verses to me in her sleep.

My faith journey doesn’t look at all like my friends. You know what? That’s ok. That doesn’t make how she relates to God wrong. Or how I choose to relate to God wrong. It’s just different.

Do you ever just hang out with God during your day?

My relationship with Jesus looks more like hanging out with a friend all day. Do I read my Bible? Absolutely! I love to. But I honestly don’t do it daily.

I like to sleep in. I also need coffee before any brain activity can occur. Plus, God gives me the Bible verses I need to know. The rest of the verses I forget until they become something personal to me.

I often thank the Lord for a prime parking spot near a store on a cold day or praise Him when the last loaf of gluten-free bread is on the shelf for me at my local grocery store.

I love to talk to Him and pray for friends while I’m driving. God and I often talk about my fave foods when I’m stuck eating leftovers in the fridge and I often make talk with Him while I’m home alone watching some stupid TV show. I will pray to Him while I’m washing dishes or doing laundry.

God is a constant presence throughout my day.

You may think that’s nuts. And you know what? That’s ok. Because your walk with Jesus is your walk. My walk is mine. And one is not better than the other. They are just different.

Commit to a deeper relationship with Jesus

No matter how we connect with the Lord, we can make simple life changes that allow us to spend more time in relationship with our King.

A little bit of the Word is better than none of the Word. Share on X
17 ways to spend more time with Jesus

17 simple ways to spend more time with Jesus

  • Listen to Christian music daily
  • Download a daily five-minute Bible devo app
  • Enable phone reminders to pray for each family member
  • Sing your favorite worship songs
  • Dance to your favorite Christian songs
  • Pray while folding laundry
  • Talk to God while cleaning your house
  • Listen to Christian podcasts while cooking
  • Memorize Scripture with your family
  • Go for a walk in God’s creation
  • Download a Bible screen saver for your phone
  • Post Bible verses throughout your home
  • Read a good Christian book
  • Replace Facebook with God’s book for a week
  • Bake treats or cook a meal for a neighbor in need
  • Do simple acts of kindness to others
  • Put Jesus at the top of your daily to-do list

However you connect with God, do more of it! See how your faith flourishes throughout the weeks to come.

How do you like to stay connected with God throughout your days and weeks? Share some ideas! I’d love to hear from you!

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