You Are So Much More Than Just One Word

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What’s up with this “one word” craziness for the New Year? It’s certainly not a “new” thing, or even novel for that matter. But it seems you can’t visit a blog these first days of January without being bombarded with “one word” notes, memes and Facebook worthy pictures.

you are so much more than just one word.

Before you get all crazy, I get it. I really do. I understand the goal is to be inspirational and encouraging. I love the heart behind it. We could all use a little more encouragement and accountability in life.

You are so much MORE than just one word. 

The plans that the Lord has for you this year go so far beyond what one word can say. And chances are, if you could sum it up in a word, you wouldn’t even know it until the year is finished. Unless you have a crystal ball. (And if so, we need to talk!)

“For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” – Jeremiah 29:11

Try to unpack those marvelous promises in just one word. I double dog dare ya.
You can’t. Why? Because God is so much more than just one word. And we are made in His image. It’s all just a tad bit too cheesy, if you ask me. And that’s saying something, I’m from a dairy state! 

The plans God has for me and for you this year are big, huge, God-sized plans that far exceed what we could boil down to just one word. Or even one category. Our souls, hearts, life. All too complicated for a simple silly word. We are layers, beautifully woven, intricate layers that can’t be unraveled into one word. Just not possible. 

But if, just if, I were to play along, let’s say, just for fun. I’d boil it down to the only word that really counts:. JESUS.

My desire for you this new year can be summed up best by the beautiful words of King David – “May he grant you your heart’s desire and fulfill all your plans!” – Psalm 20:4

you are so much more than just one word

My dear, sweet friend, I pray that the Lord will crown your God-sized plans with purpose, success and victory as you battle to do His will this new year. I pray that you will be victorious in the destiny that our great and mighty God has already designed for you. I pray that you will share your trials and your triumphs with others and give Him the glory.

May our Lord provide abundant blessings and fulfill the desires of your heart each and every day this new year. And may they come to each of us in multiple words and ways.

What are your thoughts on the whole one-word craziness? Dig it or hate it?

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