Time For A Facebook Vacation!

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I disabled my Facebook account. Egads, this girl has flipped her lid. It was time for me to put action to my words from last week and stop making “buttprints in the sands of time.” I have to be honest, the first couple days were hard, but I really don’t miss Facebook one bit!

You think I’m crazy, right?

That’s ok. Maybe I am. But Facebook is a real time sucker for me. Five minutes here, five minutes there. It adds up to a good chunk of time each day. Five minutes easily becomes 20, 30, or 60 minutes.

Plus, I was getting caught up in other people’s drama. I have enough drama in my own life, thank you very much. I really don’t need extra from people I barely know. 

There are 86,400 seconds in each day. Choose wisely.

I don’t know about you, but I’m always wishing there were more hours in a day. Getting rid of Facebook seems like a super easy way to ensure a little more productivity in my day.

Please, don’t think I’m saying that you should disable your Facebook account too. Or that Facebook is evil. Neither could be further from the truth.

This girl is taking a lovely little vacation from Facebook to live more intentionally in the real world. How long? Not sure yet. At least a few months. Possibly a year. Maybe for good. We shall see.

My desire is that you and I will become better stewards of our time.

I’m not sure how I’ll do in the real world, with all this extra time on my hands. I might have to do more face to face socialization to keep myself from going nuts! I’ll definitely go for lots of long walks, read more books and start a new prayer journal. I may even take up a hobby or two to keep myself occupied. Or bring out that dusty Fender hiding in the closet. Who knows!

I pray this week that you will make choices that allow you to live simply, love abundantly and be the special person God’s created you to be!

Maybe that means ditching Facebook for a season of life. Or simply taking some time to get more organized or to set priorities. Only you can choose what works for you.

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