My Kitchen Theology Moment

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Given the opportunity, I could stress bake the pants off of Aunt Jemima.

Stress baking is a fine art.

Not only do you need serious sugary supplies ready at the drop of a hat on a stressful day, but you need to have quality music or a good podcast handy, so when the you-know-what hits the fan, the Kitchen Aid comes out, the oven goes on and the ingredients come flying out of the cupboard.

Side note: I am amazed that I can cook, let alone bake. Growing up, my mom burnt everything. The house would smell like a small forest fire came barreling through the kitchen. Dinner every night was a guessing game. We had the fire department on speed dial and a pile of backup batteries for the smoke alarm. When I got married, I really wanted to prove that burning food is not part of my DNA. I really think I could stress bake the pants off of Aunt Jemima if a) she was a real person, b) actually wore pants and c) had celiac disease and needed to live in the kitchen like our family does.

Ahem, I digress.

My kitchen is a mess! Yours too?

As I was preparing to stress bake myself out of a crazy day last week, I noticed that I have a lot of kitchen utensils. Not like a little a lot. Like a lot a lot.

My kitchen is a little out of control these days. You wouldn’t know it, just looking at it. On the surface, it’s all clean and shiny.  But open a cupboard or drawer, and it’s a serious, overflowing, crazy mess.

When we moved into our home, I was overwhelmed by the amount of available cupboard space. Then I met my friends Williams-Sonoma & Pottery Barn. They promised me an easy life, if only I brought home all their shiny gadgets and doo-hickeys. My cupboards are overflowing with useless junk like a cucumber peeler, crème Brule torch and ham bands, whatever they are!

How did my kitchen get to be such a nightmare? Then I had an epiphany! My “kitchen theology moment,” as I like to call it!

Sin is A LOT like an out of control kitchen.

The stronger we grow in our personal relationship with Christ; the more aware we become of our shortcomings.

Let’s face it, we aren’t perfect. We are sinners. In desperate need of a Savior. Those imperfections will always be there. But if we leave them unchecked, before you know it, we’re in big trouble. That little issue or character flaw can easily become a big, cluttered nightmare. And before you know it, our sin is out of control.

Thankfully Jesus loves us, messy cupboards and all. But this week, it’s time to take control of my kitchen and let the Holy Spirit get in there and work on the spiritual decluttering. Join me?

“Moses saw that the people were running wild and that Aaron had let them get out of control and so become a laughingstock to their enemies.” Exodus 32:25

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