This Control Freak Reads Her Bible

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You know, even though I didn’t make resolutions this year, I thought about kicking off the New Year right and finishing a big project that I’ve been avoiding the past couple months. But then I had the overwhelming desire to clean my bathroom (crazy, I know), check Facebook (not shocking) and start a bathroom renovation project (about a year overdue). And if that weren’t enough, I even took the time to make little tweaks to my website for like the 100th time.

A New Year. A fresh start. New beginnings.

The slate is wiped clean on the calendar. We get a do over. Now what in the world do we do with it?

Until a few years ago, I had a little issue reading my Bible. I’d always think, “girl, you need to sit down and read your bible today,” but then most days I’d think about all the other stuff I had to do and there just wouldn’t be enough time in the day to get there. Sound familiar?

I’d even leave the Bible on the table each morning, hoping that when I woke up, it’d be the first thing I saw, so I’d have to read it. But I was always running behind, or something else caught my attention. *look a squirrel!*

Most days I’d even manage to haul my huge study Bible with me everywhere I went, hoping I’d find some quality time to read it at the radio station or church. But all that did was give me a back problem from carrying such a heavy handbag. And honestly, until a few years ago, it just sat unopened most days.

Sound familiar? Anyone? Anyone?
Let me just clarify: I study God’s word and love to teach from God’s word. I am extremely blessed to speak at local women’s events. But I can honestly say, more often than not, too many things often take priority to actually spending quality time each day reading God’s word, spending time in prayer and just “hanging out” with Jesus.

Sound familiar? Anyone? Anyone?
So it is with great enthusiasm that this control freak can honestly say she is now a recovering Bible procrastinator. (Sounds like a weird exotic disease, right?) After a many years with a very healthy track record of just chilling with Jesus, I stand before you to encourage you, if you are still trying to get there, to make this year your year of purposeful time in God’s Word.

I’ve noticed over the past few years that all of my other ‘procrastination’ issues have become less of a problem, by the way. And the control freak thing? Way better. Perfectionism? I threw that out the window ages ago, which was so liberating.

Who knew there were some “worldly” benefits to reading your Bible and just chilling more with Jesus?

Our faith journey can boil down to one simple statement, no matter where you are in your walk with the Lord right now.

Spend more time with Jesus.

Let that be whatever works for you, right where you are in life. Don’t try to mimic someone else’s walk. Your walk with the Lord is unique and special. Challenge yourself this year. Join a Bible study, come to a women’s event, use a daily devotional, keep a prayer journal or join a small group. Just do something. And do it with intention.

Let Jesus meet you right where you are spiritually. And be very intentional in the time you spend with Him each day. You will be amazed at how much you will desire and yearn for more.

Give Jesus top billing and He will do some amazing things in your life.

Get your free 5-day grace challenge: Bible study + journal & gratitude pages!

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