Let Me Tell You About My Friend Jesus

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I love it when God gives me the opportunity to tell people about my friend Jesus. He’s so cool, it’s hard not to get mushy about Him. He’s rescued me from cancer, freed me from insecurities, continues to bring people into my life who speak Truth, shows me daily just how much He loves me, even in my darkest moments of dealing with infertility, a failed adoption and a broken marriage. I love Jesus!

It’s so crazy that God has been sending a lot of atheists into my life lately.

There was a week or two where I felt like they were literally crawling out of the woodwork.

It’s been really interesting to have discussions with people who lack faith, or question things in such obsessive detail or who are so mad at a God they claim not to believe in. It makes me wonder how they even get through the day? When you get caught up on such big-picture ideas, how do you manage to get through a normal day with all its twists and turns? And more importantly, how do you handle all the disappoints of each day when your heart isn’t filled with hope?

Unbelievers are everywhere.

They come in all shapes and sizes. Big ones and tall ones. Short ones and young ones. Spouses, siblings, neighbors, coworkers, family members, friends, random people we meet throughout our week.

My desire is that God will send me out into the world and use me each day. To encourage someone whose heart is hurting. To make someone smile when they are having a dark day.

Let God send you out into the world to offer comfort and encouragement to the hurting and needy.

The world is a dark and sad place. Even for believers. But we can be the light that shines within it.

“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house.” Matthew 5: 14-15

I want to love on people. I want to share the light that is within me. I want to show people that there is hope. That we have a reason for getting through our dark days. I want to pray for them, encourage them, love on them. And more importantly, I want them to ask me why I seem to have hope, a light from within, even on my darkest of day.

Because I will answer: “Let me tell you about my friend Jesus.”

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