Cherish The Ordinary

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Most days my life is anything but glamorous. And I often feel discontent. 
Time for an attitude adjustment!

In the craziness of life, cherish the ordinary days!

It was just another ordinary day.

The alarm went off. I did some early am bible study, half groggy, with copious amounts of coffee. I scribbled in my prayer journal. No exciting revelations.

I went to work.
It was work. Nothing dramatic. Nothing new. Just work.

After work, I ran some errands.
*Yawn, I’m bored just writing this.*

And now I’m reflecting on my day.

Nothing out of the ordinary happened.
Nothing for the history books.
No major revelations.
No big events.
No crazy moments.
Nothing radical. Nothing big.
Just an ‘oh so good, simple, very ordinary day.’

And you know what? That’s a-ok with this girl.

In the craziness of life, cherish the ordinary days!

My life has been nothing but crazy and filled with sadness these past few months. And I’ve learned a valuable lesson through my little soul crisis:

Not every day needs to be extra-ordinary.

Sometimes, in the craziness of a scheduled life, the Lord blesses us with simplicity. Likely to keep us from going postal on everyone. At least that’s my theory.

Life lesson from God today:
In the craziness of life, cherish the ordinary days.

“Lord, let me be happy, even in the most ordinary moments. Let me be slow to craziness, patient in my reactions and gracious to everyone who crosses my path today. And let me learn to embrace those precious days filled with ‘ordinary’ smiles, hugs, laughter, love and friendship. Because every day that you let me take another breath and live another day to impact your kingdom is extra-ordinary, even when it’s overflowing with simplicity. In Jesus name, Amen.”

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