punch fear in the face - victory in Christ

Punch Fear In The Face

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I have battled so much fear lately. That’s hard to admit. I don’t like people to see me as weak. But my battle has been intense. From literal fear that has  left me frozen in place, to fear that has mentally and emotionally tore me apart from the inside out.

Fear really sucks. We all struggle with it in some form or another. And guess what? It’s not from Jesus.

It’s time to take a stand against fear and have bold faith to go confidently into a new chapter of life.

Fear holds us back from being all that Jesus wants us to be.

Fear holds us back from being all that Jesus wants us to be. It's time to PUNCH FEAR IN THE FACE! Share on X

Fear destroys us from the inside out. It tears apart our relationships. It messes with our minds. It’s a virus that has a proven cure: BOLD FAITH IN JESUS.

“I prayed to the Lord, and he answered me. He freed me from all my fears.” Psalm 34:4

Embrace bold faith.

Find a safe human in your life and share your fears. You don’t have to verbally throw up on someone to do that, by the way. You can share the highlights reel of your “crazy.” The important part is to TAKE A STAND AGAINST FEAR and share some of your struggles. Ask for prayer.

Speak your fears out loud. Bring light into your darkness. Fear seems to lose a lot of its power once you bring it into the Light.

Talk about your messy marriage with a trusted friend or pastor. Tell someone about your struggles with self-esteem. Share your feelings of never being enough. Confess a sin you are struggling with. Find a support group if you or a loved one is struggling with addiction. Call a crisis line if you are struggling with thoughts of suicide. (If you are thinking of taking your life, stop reading immediately and please call the National Suicide Prevention line at 1-800-273-8255 or text the Crisis text line at 741741. It will be the healthiest decision you ever make!)

If the idea of sharing with someone in your life seems overwhelming today, pray about it before taking action. When you are ready, take baby steps if that’s all you can handle. Maybe write your fears down in a journal or on a piece of paper and rip them up. That helps me! Or schedule an appointment with a qualified therapist and get an objective perspective on your fears if they are too much for you to handle.

Find freedom from your fears.

Whatever you are struggling with today, I believe God wants you to find freedom by walking into a bold new chapter of life embracing all that He created you to be.

“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.” Psalm 56:3

Tell fear to take a hike!

It’s time, as a pastor friend of mine says, to PUNCH FEAR IN THE FACE. Let’s walk together BOLDLY into a new chapter of life today, claiming our place in God’s kingdom. Leave fear in your rear view window and focus on all the beauty that Jesus has for you in His Word.

Take each day as it comes and leave your unknown futures rest in the palm of our Mighty King’s hand.

Make a commitment to glorify Jesus in the middle of your busy, beautiful life no matter what ups and downs you face each day.

Embrace authenticity by taking steps to share your hurts and fears with others and ask them to pray for you.

It’s scary to trust others with your fears, isn’t it? I know, believe me. I have a hard time trusting people. My childhood was really messed up. I had a lot of people hurt me.

But God is showing me day by day that He has placed people around me in my church, at work and in my daily life who desire to pray for me and build me up in the middle of my current season of crazy.

He’s doing that for you too! You just need to look around and pay attention to the people you are surrounded with and take a step to trust someone with whatever darkness is suffocating your soul today.

Do it!

Find freedom in Christ Jesus today by punching your fears in the face!

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

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