To The Idols Of This World: Take A Hike!

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God recently revealed to this girl that Facebook is taking up too much of my time. Five minutes here or there sure adds up to a big chunk when you add it all up.

It's embarrassing how worldly things become a top priority in our lives.

How did Facebook somehow become *gasp* an idol in my life? Am I honestly spending more time on Facebook than I am connecting with the Lord each day? Could it be? No way.

Yeah way.

Even though most of us admit we don’t have enough time in the day to get in a good bible study, or take some quiet time for ourselves, we spend an average of 1-2 hours watching TV and another 1-2 hours hanging out on Facebook (add up all the times you ‘check in’ for 5 minutes throughout the day!) or doing some other totally senseless, unproductive activity.

It’s embarrassing how worldly things become a top priority in our lives.

What do you spend too much time on each day? Be honest. Is it Facebook? TV? Reading blogs? Surfing the internet? Writing? Shopping? Clipping coupons? Carting your kids around to every activity known to mankind? Working out? Counting calories? Baking? Laundry?

People need to get fed, clothes need to be clean, savings are a must, but at some point these things can go from necessity to an obsession or compulsion. That’s when we need an intervention.

Add up how much time you spend daily on things like juicing, counting calories, working out, making whole foods, shopping, baking, couponing, etc. Now add up how much time you spend daily drawing closer to God and spending quality time with your spouse and kiddos.

Our Priorities Are Out Of Line, Way Out Of Line!

If we honestly assess how we spend our days, our priorities aren’t all they’re cracked up to be. We’re human. We don’t have it all together. We fail. Sometimes we fail big! (Thank God for grace!) Other times, we don’t even realize we are failing, were so wrapped up in our own little drama! Plus, life gets messy, we get overwhelmed, the laundry piles up. Life gets crazy.
But NOTHING should ever take priority over our relationship with King Jesus. 

Whether we want to admit it or not, many things (i.e. distractions or minor obsessions) and people have become idols in our lives. Just admit it. And let’s move on to the solution.

Time To Take Back Control

Admit your priorities are out of order. Then commit to getting them back under control. This week, I’m going to spend quality time taking stock of my priorities. I am going to attack (or expose) those idols. I also vow to continue being intentional in my desire to spend more quality time with family, friends and, most importantly, our Savior. This proves to be difficult, as it seems everyone is just too busy to fellowship, have coffee or hang out these days. *sigh*

But praise the Lord that our Heavenly Father always has time for us!

So how about it, will you join me? Are you up for rearranging your priorities this week? Be honest with yourself and admit where your priorities might be out of whack. I know it will be difficult to admit our failings and honestly evaluate where we place too much stock in the things of this world, but the Lord is kind and merciful! Don’t forget that!

After you have identified where life has become a bit too indulgent, spend some time getting things back in balance. Find someone close that can hold you accountable, if needed.

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” – Romans 12:2

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