Giving Thanks In Our Brokenness

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I love how the Lord takes all the broken messy pieces of our lives and weaves them into something beautiful, to be used for His glory.

I love how the trials we face do not define who we are, but the way we face them (with or without Jesus) does.

I love how God uses trials and adversity in our lives to draw us nearer to Him.

I love getting a glimpse of what heaven might be like when I see a child playing in the rain, a bird singing in the trees, or the sunlight dancing on the windowsill after a long snowstorm.

I love that I am married to the most wonderful man on the planet who is just as broken and flawed and messy and screwed up as I am and that we both rely on Jesus as our #1 source to get through this crazy, nutty world.

I love that the Lord has blessed me with friends who trust their hearts to me over warm cups of coffee and crazed text messages in the middle of scattered days.

I love that I can rest in the fact that I will never be perfect, but I serve an awesome Creator who is.

I love knowing that the Holy Spirit dwells within me and He is my #1 source for strength, even in my weakest and most forgetful moments.

I love that some days my heart overflows with prayer for people I don’t even know.

I love that I have a Savior who died for me, and for you, and who knew us before we were even born.

I love being a beautifully broken child of the One True King.

I love being showered in His grace.

I love that God used infertility and miscarriage to draw my husband and I closer to Him and to each other.

I love that God has redeemed our hurting hearts and has given us a desire to enter into the crazy world of adoption.

I love that in the middle of a crazy, insanely disorganized adoption process, He soothes our hearts through the kindhearted prayers and words of wisdom from friends and strangers.

I love that even though I don’t know what the future holds for our country,  I can rest in the fact our Great and Mighty, All-Knowing Counselor and King does.

Friends, I know you are hurting today and dealing with things that burden your heart. Rest in King Jesus.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make straight your paths.” Proverbs 3: 5-6

My hope is that you know that You are loved by an awesome and mighty King today. And no matter what it is you are dealing with, He has placed people in your life that will love and care for you. All you have to do is ask.

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