Give Me Grace Lord

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Ever have moments where life has you down? Let Jesus pick you back up!

Give me grace Lord, for the humans who threaten to bring down my day.
Give me grace Lord, when the children are crazy and loud at their play.
Give me grace Lord, when unkind words shatter deep into my soul.
Give me grace Lord, when I’m unsure if I can carry on with life anymore.

Give me grace Lord, for you are my Savior who died on the Cross.
Give me grace Lord, for those times my soul feels dark and hurting and lost.
Give me grace Lord, when I’m feeling unworthy and unloved.
Give me grace Lord, to remember my true worth comes from Above.

Give me grace Lord, when life has tossed me into the ring.
Give me grace Lord, to worship you, to pray and to sing.
Give me grace Lord, for all the times I struggle with sin.
Give me grace Lord, to open up and let Your Light enter in.

Give me grace Lord, for all the times I seem to forget.
You are King Jesus, the living well my hope resides at.
Give me grace Lord, grant me kindness and patience and love me today.
Let your good gifts from Above overwhelm me, I pray.

Give me grace Lord, for the moments I forget your Word is relevant and true.
Because my heart is feeling so broken, banged up and blue.
Give me grace Lord, for King Jesus, you truly do love me I know.
You are a good, good Father, Your Bible and Your Word promises me so.

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