Embracing Personal Grace {+Why I Stopped Writing}

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Today I want to share a valuable (and expensive) lesson God taught me about the fine art of slowing down. I shut this blog down a year ago because I was tackling way too much. Between writing, speaking at women’s events, working at the radio station and serving my church, I was overloaded and overwhelmed. On top of that, my husband and I were healing from the news that we couldn’t have children and the pain that comes from devastating loss. My body was sick, literally, so was my spirit.

It all started one bright and sunny morning…

I was running around like a crazy person, juggling (literally) a full cup of coffee, my smartphone, an Ipad, my laptop AND frantically searching for my keys (which were already in my hand, by the way.)

I was thinking about way too many things: a retreat speech I had to give in a few weeks, publishing deadlines due that week when I was going to find time to grocery shop, a funny bit I wanted to do on the radio that morning. I was also trying to map out my plan for the day and had just put a meal in the crockpot when I looked down and saw I was wearing two totally different shoes.

I was a total wreck.

When I got into my car that morning, I was so mentally overloaded that I totally forgot my hubby’s car was parked in the driveway as I backed out of the garage, causing $5,000 in damage between our two vehicles. Ouch, right? The insane part is, I was so overloaded, I had no idea why my car stopped. I was still focused on the fact I had forgotten to match my shoes before I got in the car.
#firstworldproblems #thecrazystruggleisreal #multitaskingQUEEN

It was a tough hit to the family pocketbook, but just the lesson I needed to begin learning about the fine art of slowing down. I have healed my body and a good part of my spirit, Jesus and I still have quite a few things to work out. I am no Master when it comes to the Art of Rest. But I’ve learned that

God can redeem even the stupidest mistakes and use them for His glory.

P.S. I’ve had a pretty fun story to share at speaking engagements to boot!  ツ

The Grace Challenge

  1. Do you often feel like you are running on empty? What can you do to get control of your schedule this coming week? Can you cancel some of the “extras” to save your sanity and extend yourself a little grace?
  2. What does loving the people in your life with excellence look like? How can you take more time for YOU each day?

Get your free 5-day grace challenge: Bible study + journal & gratitude pages!

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