The Queen of Cranky Pants

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Ever have one of those days where you just want to smack the happy out of someone?

What do you do when that someone is you? You aren’t equipped mentally to tackle the mountains of laundry, patient enough to run errands, or smiley enough for humans to venture near you.

That was me last week. In a BIG way. If they had been handing out the “Queen of Cranky Pants” award, I would have won it hands down.

God loves us just as we are, cranky pants and all.

I’m a fairly nice person, I’m pretty sure you are too. In fact, most days, when people meet us, they probably think “hey, she’s pretty neat.” But let’s be honest, there are days and whole weeks of the month, where we are anything but likeable, even to the people closest to us. It’s like we visit this land called crazy town and go a little bananas on everyone that crosses our path. It’s not a pretty site. The train to crazy town happens when we’re overwhelmed, exhausted, hormonal and/or just plain overextended.

The good news is that we are all a work in progress.

It puts my mind at ease knowing that on even the crankiest of days, God loves us just as we are, cranky pants and all. But it’s even cooler knowing that He loves us WAY TOO MUCH to leave us in our cranky, sad, annoyed or enter your cranky day word here ways.

God’s in control, even when we feel totally out of control.

Some days our glass is half empty, despite our best efforts. But even in our toughest moments, we are never alone.

Everyday can be abundantly overflowing with His grace, mercy, love, joy and redemption.

It’s a choice. We need to take a deep breathe and remind ourselves that even when the cranky moments arrive, we don’t have to say everything that comes to mind, nor do we have to act on every emotion that starts bubbling underneath the surface.<


  • Breathe. Psalm 46:10 “Be still and know that I am God.”
  • Relax. Matthew 6:24 “Do not worry about tomorrow.”
  • Zip it. Proverbs 29:11, “A fool gives vent to his spirit, but a wise man quietly holds it back.
  • Praise Him! 1 Thessalonians 5:18 “Give thanks in all things.”

Did you catch that? All things. Including the cranky days.

If you feel like you could win the “Queen of Cranky Pants” award today, just remember tomorrow is another day – your do-over day.

Hang in there! And cling to His grace.

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